Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Handout for Creating Digital Content event

 This morning I spoke at the Museums Association event Changing platforms: creating effective digital content (more later).  Here is the information from the handout that I intended to be in the delegates' packs.

Things to decide about the resource
  1. What are you producing?
  2. Who is the resource for?
  3. What will it do for them?
  4. How and where will they use it?
  5. If applicable, what areas of the curriculum/programme of study etc does it relate to?
  6. What area of the organisation’s work does it relate to? E.g. is there a taught session that it links to? Or a gallery on the same subject?
  7. Why should (or should) your organisation be creating these specific resources?
  8. Have any other organisations created similar resources for the same audience?
  9. What benefits will come from the project?
  10. Will there be any dis-benefits or negative effects of the project?
  11. What are the outcomes against which you will evaluate?
  12. What limitations are there to what you can achieve?
  13. How will the project maintain momentum once it’s over - sustainability
  14. Will the project require the use of images from the Museum’s collection? If so, which ones, what restrictions on use are there?

Practical things about how the project will work

  1. What role is each individual on the team going to play?
  2. What needs to happen in the project and what are realistic timescales for these activities?
  3. How are you going to sign things off?
  4. Who needs to be kept informed?
  5. What risks are there to the project?
  6. What different ways of approaching the project are there?
  7. How will you evaluate?
  8. What will need to be covered in each meeting agenda
  9. Will there be any training needed?
  10. How will you communicate?
  11. When will we meet?
  12. What do all of the people in the working group want out of it

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